1. Set up a CTA button
Facebook is all about making it easy for your audience, and one of the best things you can do to make it easy is by adding a call-to-action button at the top of your page. All you need to do is head up to the top right of your Facebook page, just under your cover photo and press the blue '+Add a Button' button.
This will bring up options of what kind of button you want to set up. All button language gives you the option of adding a custom link, so it's really up to deciding what do you want people to do when they get to your Facebook page?
Do you want people to 'learn more' by going on to your website? Message you now on Facebook messenger to find out more about your services? Or maybe watch the recent video you made about your Church vision!
Choose the button most appropriate for your audience and paste in the relevant link.
2. Write a story
The 'story' on your Facebook page is a little snippet of who you are and what you're on about. It displays just below your button and shows a photo and preview of what you've written.
This is the best place for people who visit your page to find out about you, so don't neglect adding something here! You can probably use a shortened version of your website 'about us' or 'vision/mission statement'. But make sure to only make it a sentence or 2.
3. Set up an autoresponse
ncreasingly people are Facebook messaging organisations or groups to find out more about them. Sending a Facebook message is quick and easy, and is less intimidating than the phone! To always have a professional response to anyone who enquires, set up an automatic Facebook messenger response.
To do this simply go to the 'Settings' button at the top right of your Facebook page, then click 'Messaging' on the left side menu. You can see in this menu that there are lots of options for how you want your Facebook Messaging to work. Scroll down to 'Response Assistant' and click it on! Add a little message that assures your visitor you'll be with them soon, and maybe give a number to call or email to contact in emergencies.
4. Invite your friends to 'like'
One of the simplest things you can do when first setting up your Facebook page is to invite all your friends to like it. Often, you may be Facebook friends with members of your Church or supporters of your organisation who have not yet liked your page. A quick prompt in their notifications is probably just what they need.
Scroll down your page and just under your page story you will find a box labelled 'Community' that has an 'Invite Friends' button inside. Click on the button and click the 'select all' link on the top right of the pop up. Press send and all your Facebook friends will receive a notification they've been invited to like your page.
5. Pin the most important thing
Have you got an upcoming camp, event or sermon series you'd really like visitors to your page to see? Facebook has a great feature where you can pin a post to the top of your page. This means that no matter what other things you post, when someone visits your page the first thing they will see is this important notice!
Click on the three dots on the right corner of the post and select 'pin to top of page'. Your post will stay pinned there until you choose to unpin it!